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Lazyloaded HubSpot Forms

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Instructions for use:

Use just like the standard HubSpot form module. It has all of the standard options you are used to. Its not opinionated about styles and will take your forms and page styles with no probelm.

  1. Add into your theme page using the DnD editor.
  2. Select the contacts tab in the sidebar and choose the "BLOCKS - Lazy Loaded Form"
  3. Choose whether or not you want to add a title to the form. If so, toggle the checkbox and add your title in the provided rich text area.
  4. Select the form you want to use. and add a thank you message or url to redirect to upon submission.
  5. You're Done!

Here are the results!

This page gets an easy 40 point increase in page score just by using this module in pace of the standard HubSpot forms.

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